Lisa the Writer
Storytelling through the written word is something Lisa has excelled at since elementary school. In high school, instead of writing an essay per her teacher's instruction; Lisa wrote a poem instead. The poem still earned her an A+ but also a warning to follow instructions for the next assignment. Lisa has self-published three books; What This Woman Knows, (2013); Put It Out There: 5 Steps to Kick Fear's Butt and Move Your Dream Forward ,(2014); and What Million-Dollar Brands Know: Marketing & Branding Strategies for Today’s Entrepreneur, (2019). This author of numerous articles and blog posts began writing "My Father, The Queen" in 2020. It was originally set to be a novel but Lisa but trying to write the novel and the film adaptation proved to be a Herculean task so she shelved the project. In 2022, she picked the project up again but this time decided to to focus only on the screenplay. "My Father, The Queen" has been described as "A really well-rendered and emotionally engaging series of moments” and has already won two best script awards.
Lisa the Speaker
One of the things that brings Lisa great joy is speaking to audiences. This form of storytelling is how her career began. She delivered her first presentation at the age of eight to a packed church and received a standing ovation. Since then, Lisa has had the privilege of speaking to professional women's groups, and national and international conferences including the Practically Perfect PA Summit. Lisa even created training programs such as Me, Incorporated—a personal branding program and presented it to Texas Children's Hospital, and the Golden Key International Honour Society. Lisa is the kind of speaker who leaves her audiences, inspired, informed, and empowered! Lisa cherishes the honor of speaking to the women of the Mission of Yahweh—a shelter for women and their families through her beloved sorority, Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated®.