I love good marketing.
Some appreciate the complexities of a Piccasso or the finish of a fine wine but I enjoy the brilliance and creativity of a well-thought-out marketing strategy.
A really good one will make me break out in applause right in front of my computer.
One of my favorite color-outside-the-lines marketing campaign was implemented by Zoho. I even make mention of them in one of my marketing presentations. I wrote a blog post about it…click here to catch up on this marketing genius. It has everything to do with showing up to your competitor’s annual conference and making a big splash.
Coloring Outside the Lines 101
A friend and client of mine is a Lyme Disease survivor, speaker, and author. As you can imagine she’s very passionate about Lyme awareness and educating the public about this vicious disease. She’s hosted Lyme challenges with yes, you guessed it a lime. She’s written books, blog posts, articles and speaks where ever and whenever a door opens about living life with the disease. And honestly, it wasn’t getting her the traction or attention she wanted.
Then she was recruited by the CEO of Today’s International Woman Pageants seemingly by chance on a cruise to the Bahamas.
They needed her to fill the spot of Elite Mrs. Colorado.
And why not? As a 50-something-year-old woman, she is very much so drop-dead gorgeous!
There was a coronation and most important, there was opportunity.
Here’s the marketing brilliance. Every time she was asked about her passion, she spoke about Lyme awareness and prevention. As Elite Mrs. Colorado, on stages in front of hundreds of people, on radio and TV interviews, in different parts of the country, she educated the public about her cause and looked fabulous doing so.
This. Was. Genius.
She has a platform (a pretty big one), an audience, and the backing of the pageant association.
Now, I would have never thought of joining a pageant as a way to get my message out.
Just. Never.
She was recently named, Today’s International Woman International Elite Mrs and will continue to spread her message as she carries out the duties of the crown.
This opportunity has allowed her to address and educate people she wouldn’t have otherwise.
A pageant.
That’s one for coloring outside the lines.
Congratulations Lisa Reneé Williams!