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3 Tools To Simplify Your Online Experience

By January 8, 2013December 29th, 2016No Comments

We all know your online life can get pretty complicated.

So last year I test drove three services and now they’re a permanent fixture in my tool bag!

I couldn’t imagine being online without them.

First up…Dropboxdropbox
Dropbox makes me very happy. This is the best online or cloud storage I’ve used. You can access your files on any computer through the Internet or download the app to your Android or iPhone or tablet. You can even share folders with other users. Your files are literally accessible from anywhere there is Internet connection. Their free account allows you to store two gigabytes worth of data and you can certainly upgrade your service. You can even earn more space by sending referrals. If you’re interested in trying out this service just say I referred you by clicking here!

Dropbox saved my hide just last week. I faxed over some information to a company the week prior and they called to say they never received and needed immediately. Thank goodness the file was saved in my Dropbox account. I knew there was a nearby FedEx Kinkos nearby so I ran in, used their computer, accessed my Dropbox account, pulled the file and faxed it through my online fax service. I would have been up a creek with no paddle had I not been using this service!

I also use Dropbox to backup my WordPress site. I was prepared to buy a package but when I found out there was a plugin, I quickly put my credit card away. If you’re a WordPress user and you decide to use Dropbox, definitely consider getting this plugin!

If you’ve ever stumbled upon a really great online article or found some great information and wanted to store it you’d bookmark it. I know that’s a very old school approach but some still use this method. There are other services but Evernote has worked really well for me. Once you add it to your toolbar, you’re able to clip articles, the URL, or the entire page and file away in any of your many notebooks. Download the app to any of your devices and you have access to the content you want from anywhere. I’ve had my Evernote account for quite some time but really put it to use these last few months. You can tag your items and do searches to find items. You can even file pictures away using Evernote. Great place to store those gems you find online and want to refer to later.

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I’m guilty of setting up a Google reader account and never going back to it. Why? I didn’t like the user interface and it was difficult to access from my phone. Well Feedly will take your Google Reader feed and make it pretty. It’s very user friendly. Download the app and it too is accessible from your phone or tablet. I actually read the blogs I’m subscribed to thanks to Feedly.

So those are my three online tools that I’d have to go into three days of mourning over if they ever did away with them.

Give them a try. I know you’ll find them useful and appreciate how they simply your online experience.


*Disclaimer: No one pays me for these reviews…at least not yet! 🙂

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