Earlier this year I was introduced to PLR–private label rights content.
This is content you can purchase and use as your own.
You can purchase articles, blog posts, even ebooks.
Change a little of the content or change none of it, once you buy it it’s yours to do as you please—even sell!
This sounded like a really good idea especially when you’re swamped and in need of blog ideas.
So I bit the bullet and purchased a pack of articles. These were not terribly expensive which is probably why they needed a lot of work.
I was going to use one of them when I decided to research some of the statements made in the article.
And that’s when I found the same article at least twice used by two different companies.
I guess that was to be expected but I was still surprised to see it. PLR content is not a big secret and more than a handful of people/companies use.
One company did change some of the content. The other used it word for word.
I couldn’t bring myself to use it.
And for that I owe that particular PLR content a big thank you.
It inspired me to write one of my best blog posts to date.
So I want to thank PLR for giving me a great gift this Christmas; a creative blog post that’s done well out here in cyberspace this holiday season.
Will I use PLR content in the future? Maybe. It depends on the quality of the content.
If nothing else, they’re great for generating ideas and getting the creative juices flowing and that’s always a good thing.
Merry Christmas everyone!