Today is the day we take time to honor Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. A man who made incredible inroads for all people during a turbulent time in our country’s history.
We remember him because of his sacrifice; we remember him because of his message.
Even 40 years after his death, the message retains its power.
His “I Have A Dream” speech is one of the most memorable ever and continues to inspire.
Here are a few facts about Dr. King’s speech according to Nick Britten of The Telegraph:
- The words “I have a dream” were ad libbed.
- The speech drew references from the Bible, Shakespeare and the U.S. Declaration of Independence.
- In various drafts of the speech, several titles existed including “The normalcy speech,” and “The Canceled check.”
- Twelve hours before the speech, Dr. King did not have a firm idea of what he would say.
The topped rank speech of the 20th century by academics according to Britten was “winged” according to the speech’s co-writer Clarence B. Jones.
So for those of us who create messages, what can we learn from Dr. King’s process and speech? How do you create a powerful message?
- Speak from the heart…the seat of your passion
- Be well read
- Have a great title
A powerful message has the ability to change destiny.
We celebrate the life, the legacy, the message of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.