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Relationship Building and National Compliment Day

By January 24, 2013No Comments



Today is National Compliment Day and what a great day to celebrate others and build relationships.

A sincere compliment or acknowledgement on a job well done or for service provided does a lot for relationship building. It goes back to that networking principle that says you look for ways to help others first. And believe it or not, but paying a colleague or fellow business owner a well-deserved compliment doesn’t take anything away from you. If anything you set yourself apart as secure and wise.

Awhile back I wrote a post on and asked if it was worth continuing to use — I still use the service by the way. I received lots of feedback but one answer really struck me deeply. Kenneth Manesse said he uses to promote others. If you know Kenneth or have worked with him you know he’s about helping others get their businesses exposed. This isn’t just an occasional event but this is something he lives everyday.

So here’s the challenge.

Actively seek out family, friends, colleagues, customers, fellow business owners, coworkers and give them a compliment. A sincere one because people can distinguish between sincerity and false flattery. It’s a relationship builder and again, we tend to do business with people we know and have a relationship with.

If you’re on Twitter use the hashtag #compliment so we can follow the stories.

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