The Web is full of stats and you really can find a stat for almost anything.
There are even stats for blogs. I know this because a friend forwarded an article full of them a few weeks ago.
This article studied the best time and day to post your blog and shared their findings.
According to their study, morning posts did very well and I think Monday posts were well read.
So I decided to conduct my own study and I used another blog I write for as my test.
I typically would post in the morning by 9 a.m. CST.
For one week solid, I posted after 9 p.m. CST.
Lo and behold, my stats didn’t agree with the stats in the article.
I had more views when I posted after 9 p.m. CST. But if you think about it, it’s morning somewhere so I guess those other stats could be true.
Not only were evening posts being read in greater numbers but Sunday evening proved to be the best time to have content read. I also noticed that blog titles or headlines mattered. Blog titles that were short and creative fared better than straight-forward, tell-all titles.
My point is if you’re writing and managing your blog; take a moment and review your analytics and then conduct your own test. See if your stats match mine or the ones from the article then adjust distribution accordingly.
This is your mission if you choose to accept it.
Happy fact-finding everyone.