When my kids were little, they used to watch Barney, a big purple dinosaur who would sing and dance and teach kids life lessons. One of the songs on the show taught that please and thank you were magic words and that if you wanted good things to happen, these were the words that should be heard. Yes, I watched a lot of Barney back then and can still sing all the songs and I know Barney would definitely approve of National Thank You Note Day. Sending cards is definitely a way to strengthen your brand!
Today, my special guest blogger is Jennifer Broderick of Jennifer! Designs. She’s a fellow small business owner and creates a fabulous line of stationery and greeting cards. Who else to talk about the power of the thank you note? Enjoy!
I’ve been designing and writing thank you notes since childhood. Saying thanks was something that was required of me by my parents in daily life, whether spoken or written. I found that over time the practice of writing thank you notes became easier for me than expressing myself through words.
This practice is powerful. It enables you to say more than thank you. It’s an opportunity to show appreciation on a deeper level, detailing your feelings about the receiver and what they may have done for you or how they have enriched your life in some way.
Have you ever received a thank you note from your boss or written one to your employee or customer? Either way, you must know that the thank you note is powerful. Even in business!
In this digital age where most people email and text, handwriting certainly shows the human side in us all. The handwritten thank you note catches the recipient by surprise. The note can immensely boost an employee or customer’s self esteem, leaving him or her feeling valued and appreciated. You might even solidify a relationship with a client.
Over the years I have kept many thank you notes. When I read them, I am left with the same emotions that I had when i read them long ago.
If you can’t afford to give your employees raises this year or your clients a holiday gift, why not write each of them a thank you note that makes them feel appreciated? You won’t regret it and you will in turn be remembered and appreciated. Remember, we all want to see the human side of people and the thank you note lets us show that side.
Remember, National Thank You Note Day is December, 26th!
Jennifer Broderick is the creator and artist of Jennifer! Designs. She’s been designing custom stationery and invitations since her childhood. Her entrepreneurial dreams were realized in 2003 while living in NY. Jennifer also enjoys painting, sculpting and creating new products. Her passion for drawing with pen and ink inspired her to create the very decorative “Stick Your Neck Out” series. Jennifer’s love for change and all things new is the inspiration for the thousands of one-of-a-kind greetings she’s created over the years. Jennifer! Designs ~ “Where Elegance Meets Whimsy”